Dr. M. H. Marigowda: The Father of Indian Horticulture


Dr. M. H. Marigowda: The Father of Indian Horticulture

Dr Marigowda was an expert in the field of horticulture. He dedicated his life for the development of Horticulture, as it would help in mitigating the problems of the farmer as well as that of food security to the ever increasing population.

Dr.M.H Marigowda took the charge of the post of the Superintendent of Horticulture in Mysore, in 1951. After his joining there was tremendous growth in the field of horticulture at Karnataka.

In 1963, after the formation of the separate Department of Horticulture, he was elevated to the post of the Director of Horticulture. He was the man behind converting the minor status of horticulture department to the major one in the state and able to extend the Horticultural activities to all the 19 districts of the state.

 He set into implementation of a unique pattern of Horticulture development i.e, “4-Limbed Model of Horticulture”. To suit to this, he established the Horticulture Produce Co-operative Marketing Society and the Nurserymen’s Co-operative Society at Bangalore. He started as many as 357 farms and nurseries all over the state.

His visualization of the farms and nurseries was in developing them as progeny orchards, nursery centres and places of demonstration of new crops and technology to the farmers. Seed testing, soil testing and plant protection laboratories were started at Lalbagh by him. Several park and gardens were laid out in different cities and towns of the state.

The area of Lalbagh Botanical Garden was expanded to 240 acres (0.97 km2) and planted with additional native and exotic species of plants during his period. Dr. Marigowda was a staunch advocate of Dry Land Horticulture and the principals and practices of these technologies were demonstrated in most of the farms started by him. This inspired the farmers of the state to practice Dry Land Horticulture on vast dry and drought prone tracts of the state.

Mixed cropping and inter-cropping got special fillip during his times. Thus, through multifarious achievements and feats, the state of Karnataka became the “Horticultural State of India”, and Dr. Marigowda’s name became immortal in the annals of Horticulture development in Karnataka. August 8th is celebrated as M.H. Marigowda Foundation Day.

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